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Design Request Policy: We have always just drawn patterns and sold them for normal cost based on the idea that we could resale it over and over and make up for the time spent. We are getting more and more pattern requests that we are not going to be able to sell over and over. We can no longer spend time drawing patterns that we can’t resale. This includes patterns for art quilts, patterns that can only be stitched by someone who is a master quilter, and patterns for quilts that are unique shapes. If SDQS believes that we can’t resale the pattern(s), we will have to charge by the hour for the design work. Instead of charging at the proprietary rate (cannot be resold) of $90 an hour [with a one-hour minimum], we will charge $25 an hour [with a one-hour minimum] and still put the pattern(s) on the website for resale. If SDQS receives a drawing request that we believe falls under this policy we will notify the customer and will tell the customer why we believe this and get permission before proceeding.

Click Here to download the “How to photograph your quilt” so Kim can draft out your quilt/block in order to make your designs.

Click Here to email your design request to us. Your email should include what density you prefer for this request, motif style (modern, traditional, geometric, feathers, etc), how much space your machine can quilt without rolling the quilt, if you plan to change thread colors, etc.